My in-laws are awesome. They gifted us a beautiful bed frame for our wedding. You might recognize it from Crate & Barrel: it's the Pavilion Canopy Bed.
My husband, Matt, begrudgingly agreed to put it on our registry,
thinking that no one would purchase it for us. He never saw himself
with a canopy bed. That's not to say that he doesn't like it, but it's a
departure from his comfort zone.
We were I was happily surprised
when he came home with the news that his parents had purchased it for
us! It is sturdy, pretty, has the canopy part (for me), the low foot board (for Matt), and works well in our bedroom because of our vaulted ceiling! Excuse the poor-quality photos, but here is a "partial-before" photo of the bedroom; it was taken after we started to rearrange the bedroom, but prior to painting the walls.
Before |
After several coats of Behr's 'Rolling Hills' for our accent wall and Behr's 'Wheat Bread' for the other three walls, we were ready to have our new bed frame delivered and set up! I wasn't home to take pictures of the delivery and installation (because it wasn't my home yet), but here is what it looked like after a hasty decorating spree, using only items we had around the house. The result: an extraordinarily comfy bed, but not much depth to the decoration. My parents watered our plants while we were on our honeymoon and added the sheer drapes (leftover from our wedding) to the decor. What you can't see from this picture is that there is absolutely no furniture or decoration on the right side of the room.
Progress |
Thanks to the generosity of family and friends, we were able to purchase the-only-duvet-we-could-agree-upon from our registry: the
Marimekko Lumimarja Celery duvet cover from Crate & Barrel. We didn't worry about getting the whole matching set, though. Instead, we chose to accessorize with a variety of colors and textures.
Enter Ikea. For $1 apiece we were able to snag two 26" square pillowcases from the As-Is Department, which fit two pillows that we already owned.
We also went on a bit of a Target shopping spree, where we found
this beauty:
And after some assembly time... we have a winner! So, with the addition of several more decorative items, including
several wedding gifts, we are done for the moment (until I get flowers
to fill the vase!).
After | |
And the side-by-side comparison:
Partial-Before |
After |
I really wish I had the true 'before' photos. The dresser and television were originally centered on the wall where the console table and Midsummer Eve artwork now reside and the bed was directly opposite. Eventually, we want to refinish the nightstands and/or buy new ones,
install hard flooring, build an armoire into the area that currently has
my vanity table, build cabinets on the random ledge, and bring in a
small fireplace.
What's your favorite part of your master bedroom? Leave a comment and let us know! For kicks, my favorite part of my bedroom is feeling like a princess when I wake up, due to the comfy bed and the tree-filled view out our window!
P.S. The lamp base is also a Target find. They were on clearance several months ago and I sent Matt to several different Targets to find them. This picture also shows the necessity of refinishing these nightstands, pronto. Hubby stripped them, but never got around to refinishing them. He enjoys refinishing furniture, so they are his project :)
P.P.S. A second post is coming with the other half of the room and the bathroom, pending touch-up paint and curtains. Our closet (when the makeover is completed) deserves its own post.