Its new home is the garage until we either put it on Craigslist, sell it to a local vacuum repair/resale place, or donate it to one of our siblings.
As far as choosing our new vacuum, we set a budget of $150-$200. I scoped out Target and gave Matt a list of three vacuums that interested me. He did all the research to choose the best option for us. We needed a vacuum that was lightweight, easily turned off the bristles (I intend to use it on our hard floors downstairs), and had a HEPA filter (preferably a washable filter). In my opinion, the HEPA filter was the most important feature since Matt has asthma and allergies. Fortunately, most vacuums these days have a HEPA filter. Our choices included the Hoover WindTunnel Air, the Shark Naviator Lift-Away, and the Shark Navigator Professional. We chose... the Hoover!
We planned to purchase through (though we could have purchased it in the store
So, after six phone calls to (don't even get me started!), and a few days of waiting, we received our sexy new Hoover! Within the first five minutes, it was already set up and I was vacuuming upstairs.
What's your favorite household electronic? Is it a vacuum, television, KitchenAid Mixer or something else? Leave a comment; I'd love to know if I'm the only one smitten by a vacuum cleaner (although the KitchenAid is a close second in my book)!
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